- Double knockout rose
Botanical name: rosa ‘radtko’
Beginner friendly?: yes
Average size at maturity: reaches 3 to 4 ft in height and in width
Bloom time: Spring through fall
Hardy zone: Zones 5-10
Flower color: red, pink, coral, yellow, orange
Foliage color: green
Growth rate: Fast growing; grows about 2 ft a year
Pruning instructions: prune in the late winter/early spring. Cut the branches of the shrub down to about 12 inches off of the ground. Always prune at an angle, never straight across.
Propagation methods: cut a stem just below a node and place in water until roots start to emerge
Landscape use: plant in a row to define an edge/border, low hedge, specimen plant
Light needs: Full sun, 6 hours a day
Special features: Fragrant, Long Bloom Season, Repeat Flowering, Showy FlowersAttracts Butterflies, Easy Care, Improved Pest and Disease Resistance, Non-toxic to Cats and Dogs
Watering instructions: keep soil moist at all times, but do not allow enough water to accumulate to cause the soil to become soggy. When the top 2 inches of soil becomes dry to the touch then provide about 2 inches of water to the base of the plant. Repeat this process every time the top 2 inches of soil become dry to the touch. Weekly watering will likely be a sufficient watering schedule for knockout roses, however that schedule may need adjusting during periods of drought or excessive rain.
Fertilizing instructions: Fertilize with your rose fertilizer of choice once a month during the growing season
Best time to plant: spring or fall
Best type of soil: well-drained, sandy soil
Companion plants: daylilies, coneflower, catmint, lavender, marigold, salvia, yarrow
Toxicity level: not toxic to humans or pets
Invasive species: no