- Wishbone flower
Botanical name: torenia fournieri
Beginner friendly?: yes
Average size at maturity: 1-1.5 ft in height and 9 inches in length
Bloom time: summer and fall
Hardy zone: zones 8-11
Flower color: white, purple, blue, yellow, pink
Foliage color: green
Growth rate: reaches fully mature size in 1st growing season
Pruning instructions: deadhead as needed
Propagation methods: propagate through seed-sowing
Landscape use: summer color, hanging baskets
Light needs: 3-6 hours of sun per day
Special features: long blooming periods
Watering instructions: allow soil to partially dry between watering sessions
Fertilizing instructions : use a slow release fertilizer every 3 months
Best time to plant: spring
Best type of soil: loam or clay
Companion plants: pansies, coleus, caladium, impatiens
Toxicity level: non-toxic for humans and pets
Invasive species: no