- Confederate jasmine
Botanical name: trachelospermum jasminoides
Beginner friendly?: yes
Average size at maturity: Twining stems climb 18 to 20 ft. tall. with support.
Bloom time: Spring into Summer
Hardy zone: zones 8-11
Flower color: White
Foliage color: Green
Growth rate: 3 – 6 ft a year
Pruning instructions: trim as needed
Propagation methods: cut a stem just below a node and place in water until roots start to emerge
Landscape use: Border, Container, Espalier, Ground Cover
Light needs: 6 hours of sun a day
Special features: Easy Care, Waterwise, Non-toxic to Cats and Dogs, Fast Growing
Watering instructions: water twice a week during periods of heat and drought, otherwise water every 2 – 3 weeks as needed
Fertilizing instructions : apply a nitrogenous-phosphate-potassium compound fertilizer in the spring and once in the fall
Best time to plant: spring or fall
Best type of soil: loam
Companion plants: honeysuckle, clematis, lavender
Toxicity level: non-toxic for humans and pets
Invasive species: yes