- Italian Clematis
Botanical name: clematis viticella
Beginner friendly?: yes
Average size at maturity: up to 13 ft in height and up to a 5 ft spread
Bloom time: summer
Hardy zone: zones 7-9
Flower color: pink, purple, white, blue, peach
Foliage color: green
Growth rate: can grow multiple feet in a single growing season
Pruning instructions: prune in the late winter/early spring before new growth begins to emerge
Propagation methods: propagate by cutting below the node and put into water until roots begin to grow
Landscape use: used to climb up a fence, trellis, etc.
Light needs: 4-7 hours of sun per day
Special features: produces non-edible small dry fruits with a feathery appearance
Watering instructions: allow the top layer of soil to dry between watering sessions but try to keep the lower layers consistently moist while avoiding sitting water to accumulate
Fertilizing instructions : fertilize once a year in the early spring to prepare for the upcoming growing season
Best time to plant: early spring
Best type of soil: loam or clay
Companion plants: salvia, peonies, daylilies
Toxicity level: toxic for humans and pets if ingested
Invasive species: no