- Sky vine
Botanical name: thunbergia grandiflora
Beginner friendly?: yes
Average size at maturity: climbs to heights of up to 25 ft and spreads up to 10 ft
Bloom time: spring, summer, fall
Hardy zone: zones 9-11
Flower color: purple, blue, white
Foliage color: green
Growth rate: can climb up to 8 ft in a single growing season
Pruning instructions: prune once in the winter before new growth begins to emerge and again in the late summer once the plant is finished flowering for the season to maintain desired shape and size
Propagation methods: propagate by cutting below the node and put into water until roots begin to grow
Landscape use: a climbing vine to grow up a fence or trellis etc.
Light needs: at least 6 hours of sun per day
Special features: attracts pollinators
Watering instructions: prefers consistently moist soil while avoiding standing water
Fertilizing instructions : fertilize regularly throughout the growing season
Best time to plant: spring or fall
Best type of soil: loam
Companion plants: black-eyed susan, hibiscus, lantana
Toxicity level: mildly toxic for humans and pets if ingested
Invasive species: yes