- Stonecrop sedum
Botanical name: genus sedum
Beginner friendly?: yes
Average size at maturity: 4 – 6 inches in height with a 18 inch spread
Bloom time: fall. Starts blooming during the second growing season and then blooms every season after.
Hardy zone: zones 4 – 9
Flower color: pink, white, purple
Foliage color: green, blue, coral
Growth rate: slow growing, can reach mature height in one growing season but will spread a few inches a year
Pruning instructions: cut down half of the plant in may or june
Propagation methods: cut a stem just below a node and place in water until roots start to emerge
Landscape use: groundcover, container succulent
Light needs: 4 hours of sun a day
Special features: extremely drought tolerant
Watering instructions: weekly watering is recommended
Fertilizing instructions : use a diluted cacti fertilizer after planting and repeat once a year in the spring
Best time to plant: spring or summer
Best type of soil: loam, sand
Companion plants: snake plant
Toxicity level: potentially mildly toxic if ingested
Invasive species: no