- Silver nickel vine
Botanical name: dichondra argentea
Beginner friendly?: no
Average size at maturity: about 4 inches in height with a 4 ft spread
Hardy zone: zone 10
Foliage color: green/gray
Growth rate: spreads about 1-2 ft per year
Pruning instructions: remove dead/diseased limbs and foliage as needed
Propagation methods: propagate by cutting below the node and put into water until roots begin to grow
Landscape use: climbing container plant
Light needs: about 6 hours of sun per day
Special features: year-round showy silver foliage
Watering instructions: drought tolerant, allow the first couple inches of soil to dry between watering sessions
Fertilizing instructions : fertilize once a month throughout the spring-early fall
Best time to plant: spring or summer
Best type of soil: loam or sand
Companion plants: begonias, sage, hostas
Toxicity level: toxic for humans and pets if ingested
Invasive species: no