- Oakleaf hydrangea
Botanical name: hydrangea quercifolia
Beginner friendly?: Yes
Average size at maturity: 4-6 ft in height and in spread
Bloom time: Summer, fall
Hardy zone: Zones 5 – 9
Flower color: White, cream, pink, purple, red
Foliage color: Green
Growth rate: Between 1-2 ft a year
Pruning needs: Deadhead withered flowers after flowering
Propagation methods: cut a stem just below a node and place in water until roots start to emerge
Landscape use: Backdrop to smaller shrubs, a component of a mixed border
Light needs: Very shade tolerant, requires 3 – 4 hours of sun a day
Special features: Strong, sturdy stems to hold large flower clusters above the foliage
Water needs: Keep soil evenly moist but not soggy
Fertilizing needs: Fertilizer is only needed if your oakleaf hydrangea is planted in alkaline soil. If this is the case for your hydrangea, you can use a 10-10-10 granular once in the spring and once in the summer
Best time to plant: late fall or early spring
Best type of soil: loamy soil, which means it has an even mixture of sand, silt, and clay.
Companion plants: zinnias, snapdragons, Hostas, camellias and purple loropetalum, dogwoods, Coleus, impatiens, and begonias
Toxicity level: not toxic to humans or pets
Invasive species: no