- Butterfly orchid
Botanical name: encyclia tampensis
Beginner friendly?: no
Average size at maturity: about 1 ft in height and width
Bloom time: spring, summer
Hardy zone: 11
Flower color: pink, red, orange, yellow
Foliage color: green, red
Growth rate: can reach mature size in a single growing season, this plant can bloom off of the same stem for up to 10 years
Pruning instructions: prune when it is finished flowering for the season and deadhead as needed
Propagation methods: propagate by cutting below the node and put into water until roots begin to grow
Landscape use: house plants, container plants, commonly used for decorating as a centerpiece
Light needs: no more than 3-4 hours of sun per day
Special features: resembles butterfly wings
Watering instructions: keep soil consistently moist but not soggy
Fertilizing instructions : use a fertilizer that is low in nitrogen and high in phosphorus and potassium starting in the early spring and continue until it is done flowering for the season
Best time to plant: spring or summer
Best type of soil: loam, potting soil
Companion plants: ferns, peace lily, snake plants
Toxicity level: non-toxic for humans and pets
Invasive species: no