- Moth orchid
Botanical name: phalaenopsis
Beginner friendly?: no
Average size at maturity: about 1 ft in height and width
Bloom time: summer, fall
Hardy zone: zones 10-12
Flower color: pink, purple, white, yellow, orange
Foliage color: green
Growth rate: blooms at least once a year for 3 months with potential to rebloom
Pruning instructions: prune when it is finished flowering for the season and deadhead as needed
Propagation methods: propagate by cutting below the node and put into water until roots begin to grow
Landscape use: house plants, container plants, commonly used for decorating as a centerpiece
Light needs: bright and indirect sunlight for no more than 3-4 hours of sun per day
Special features: long lasting blooms
Watering instructions: weekly watering during the growing season and less frequent watering in the winter
Fertilizing instructions : use 30-10-10 once a month
Best time to plant: year-round
Best type of soil: loam, potting soil
Companion plants: peace lilies, bromeliades, ferns
Toxicity level: non-toxic for humans and pets
Invasive species: no