- Formosa Azalea
Botanical name: Rhododendron indica
Beginner friendly?: yes
Average size at maturity: 4-8 ft in height and 4-8 ft in spread
Bloom time: Early spring, sometimes has a second bloom in the fall
Hardy zone: Zones 4-10
Flower color: Soft lavender/pink/magenta/purple
Foliage color: Green
Growth rate: Less than a foot a year
Pruning instructions: Remove dead or diseased branches as needed. Light pruning to maintain a certain size or shape is safe at any time, but recommended after the first blooming cycle of the spring
Propagation methods: cut a stem just below a node and place in water until roots start to emerge
Landscape use: Mass planting, specimen, foundation plant, border, or hedge
Light needs: Full sun to partial shade, minimum of 4 hours of sun a day
Special features: Showy spring flowers, attracts butterflies
Watering instructions: Provide supplementary watering 2-3 times a week during the first growing season. Drought tolerant once established
Fertilizing instructions : Apply a phosphate fertilizer before the first blooming period to encourage brighter flowers with longer blooming cycles
Best time to plant: spring or early fall
Best type of soil: sandy or loamy
Companion plants: ferns, mountain laurel, boxwood
Toxicity level: mildly toxic for humans and severely toxic to pets if ingested
Invasive species: no