- Jack frost ligustrum
Botanical name: Ligustrum Japonicum ‘Jack Frost’
Beginner friendly?: yes
Average size at maturity: 6 – 10 ft in height, 6 – 8 ft spread
Bloom time: late spring to early summer
Hardy zone: Zones 6-9
Flower color: white
Foliage color: green with ivory markings
Growth rate: about half a foot to one foot a year
Pruning instructions: Prune to maintain shape immediately after the plant is done flowering for the season
Propagation methods: cut a stem just below a node and place in water until roots start to emerge
Landscape use: Adds a colorful, thick foliage look
Light needs: 4 – 6 hours of sunlight a day
Special features: variegated leaves, year round color
Watering instructions: deep watering once a week until established
Fertilizing instructions: Use 15-15-15 in the early spring and early fall
Best time to plant: summer
Best type of soil: clay or loamy soil
Companion plants: arborvitae, pittosporum, boxwood, cypresses
Toxicity level: toxic for humans and pets if ingested
Invasive species: no