- Desert rose
Botanical name: adenium obesum
Beginner friendly?: no
Average size at maturity: 3 – 10 ft in height and 3 -5 ft spread
Bloom time: Spring, early summer, late winter
Hardy zone: Zones 9-12
Flower color: Pink, red, white
Foliage color: Green/gray
Growth rate: Grows about a foot a year
Pruning instructions: Deadhead withered flowers after flowering
Propagation methods: cut a stem just below a node and place in water until roots start to emerge
Landscape use: Usually grown in pots to provide contrast against other, more typically shaped plants, also popular for bonsai cultivation
Light needs: Full sun, 6 hours of sun a day
Special features: Thick, swollen trunk that holds water during times of drought
Watering instructions: Very drought-tolerant, water when soil is completely dry
Fertilizing instructions : Use 13-13-13 fertilizer once a month during the growing season
Best time to plant: year-round
Best type of soil: organic potting soil
Companion plants: russian sage, phlox, lavender
Toxicity level: potentially mildly toxic if ingested
Invasive species: no